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Google Maps Now Allows Users to Follow Each Other’s Recommendations

With Google Maps, users can now follow each other in the app. Google Maps users who have shared photos, reviews, or lists now have their own profile page that highlights all of their activity.

The profiles also have a special “Follow” button that allows users to follow any profile they want. Once followed, users will receive the latest updates from various profiles on the “Updates” tab. The new function was introduced worldwide.

Google announced the update on Thursday in its blog post.

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Last year, the technology giant began testing a new feature that allowed users to follow selected local guides to get their recommendations on local attractions, restaurants, and more.

Now the function has been expanded to include all users with their own profile page for everyone.

  • The new profile page is very similar to that of Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. It shows a display photo of the user along with a short biography.
  • It also shows how many followers users currently have and how many profiles they are tracking. It also lists the number of recommendations the user has made so far.
  • Google Photos gets a complete makeover: new logo and user interface, map view, more
    As already mentioned, the profile pages have a “Follow” button that works like all other social media apps.
  • After following, you will get the latest recommendations, photos and advice from the user on a separate “Updates” tab in the app.
  • Users can also search newly added topic filters in Google Maps.
  • From finding the perfect coffee location to exploring hidden gems in cities, Google Maps offers all the related recommendations under the headings of various topics.

However, not every user wants to publish their recommendations.

With Google Maps, users can restrict their profiles. This can be done via the Personal content option in the app settings.

Once your profile is restricted, you can select and approve new followers before they can view your recommendations.

(Image – Gadgets 360)

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