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Where are the contacts in Gmail, How to Find Them?

Google’s recent overhaul of its Gmail desktop web browser service brings with it a few things. In the last version, you were able to switch to the contact list by simply clicking on the Gmail menu on the left side of the screen. However, this method will stop working once you’ve updated to the updated Gmail account. That’s why many Gmail users have been Googling ‘Where are the contacts in Gmail?’ In this post, I am going to answer this question. Keep reading until the end.

How To Find The Contacts in Gmail

You can now go to the contact page by clicking the Apps icon in the upper-right corner of the Gmail Inbox. Clicking on the Apps icon, which consists of nine smaller squares, will display an area with icons for other Google programs and services, including Google Photos, Google News, and YouTube.

If you do not see the Contacts icon in the window immediately, walk through the panel until you see it. You can drag the Contacts icon to the top of the collection to make it easier to find later, and rearrange the other icons around it to your liking. Click on the Contacts icon to open your Gmail address book.

You can also edit a sender’s contact card directly on the mailbox screen. To do this, move the mouse pointer over the name of the person in your inbox list. You should see a contact card with the sender’s e-mail address and some options, such as: For example, if you do not already have the person in your address book, you can add the “Add to contacts” button. You may see an “Edit contact” button if you’ve previously added the sender. There are also icons for creating a new email, scheduling a calendar event, sending text, and starting a video call with that person.

You can still access your Google contacts list at any time by going directly to in your browser.

And if you would like to go step by step, here is step by step guide on ‘How to find the contacts in Gmail.’

Where Are The Contacts In Gmail – on a desktop browser

Here is How to open your Gmail address book in a desktop browser:

  • Open Gmail.
  • Select the Apps icon in the upper right.
  • Select Contacts, which will open a new window with all your email addresses in it.

1 You Can Also Find Your Gmail Contacts By:

  • Using a keyboard shortcut Press the G key and then press the C key in Gmail to list your Contacts folders in the left pane (instead of your e-mail folders).
  • Enter directly into your browser’s URL field to open the Gmail Contacts screen.

2 Working With Gmail Contacts

  • With the contacts selected in the upper left corner of Gmail, you can:
  • Open all your contacts.
  • View your most contacted people.
  • Form new groups of contacts.
  • Import contacts from other providers.

Gmail Contacts Features

Gmail is best enjoyed by users because it works well with other Google products like YouTube and Photos. However, if you are having difficulty in finding contacts in the Gmail and searching ‘Where are the contacts in Gmail’ for hours, the above guide will help you.

  • There are many useful features you should know about managing contacts in Gmail:
  • Gmail keeps track of people you contact frequently and adds them to a list of frequently contacted people. You can then add these people to your main contact list. This makes it easy to send emails to multiple contacts at the same time.
  • Gmail contacts automatically merge information and details that your contacts want to share.
  • Your contacts are integrated with Google+, so you can easily add people in your circles to your contacts list. Some people do not want to share their email address on Google+, but you can use contacts to access their profile pages.
  • You do not have to worry about duplicate contacts because they are automatically cleaned up. If you want to search for duplicates, select Duplicates in the left pane of the Google Contacts screen.
  • You can group contacts. You may want to separate your business contacts from your contacts or create a group for a particular project that you are working on, so you can easily email them.
  • With Gmail, you can quickly import, export, or print a full list of contacts.

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