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WhatsApp Is Working On Fingerprint Authentication For WhatsApp Web

WhatsApp is currently experimenting a new feature that allows to create a new WhatsApp Web session using your fingerprint, said a post on Wabetainfo, on September 17.

Currently, all you need to do to open your WhatsApp on the PC is to just scan the QR code with your phone on your are running Whatsapp account.

But, this may change in the future to make your WhatsApp web experience more secure, because WhatsApp is currently working on a feature that would require you to give your fingerprint permission to access your WhatsApp on PC.

As per the report of WABetaInfo, WhatsApp is still working on it and has not enabled it for all users. WABetaInfo discovered the function in the beta version on Android. In other words, in the latest WhatsApp beta, you may not see the option to check new WhatsApp web instances with your fingerprint.

Once the feature is made available to users, you will need to authenticate with your fingerprint on your smartphone to create a new WhatsApp web session.

However, “this feature is under development and it will be available in a future update”, said the report.

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