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Snapchat Rolls out Mental Health Tool ‘Here for You’ in India

Snapchat has started rolling out its tool focused on mental health ‘Here For You’ section in India, which covers a range of topics including eating disorders, anxiety, depression, etc.

The “Here For You” feature is available for Android and iOS users in India and includes mental health resources provided by the Mariwala Health Initiative and the Manas Foundation.

The company said the feature is part of a “concerted effort” that aims to educate and empower the Snapchat community to “take care of themselves.”

The feature, according to Snapchat, will show users safety resources when they search for topics such as anxiety, depression, stress, grief, suicidal thoughts, and bullying. Snapchat users can access the feature by typing ‘Here for You’ or relevant keywords in the search bar.

According to Snapchat, “Here for You” not only provides support for Snapchatter who may be experiencing a mental or emotional crisis, but also helps users who are curious to learn more about these issues to offer a supportive hand to friends.

The company has partnered with mental health institutes in India such as the Mariwala Health Initiative and the Manas Foundation to create resources for anxiety, depression, loneliness, suicide, and general mental health.

“Our videos discuss how to deal with stress and anxiety, how to support a loved one in need, and how to improve mental wellbeing through mindfulness/grounding exercises,” said Raj Mariwala, director of the Mariwala Health Initiative.

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